The Best Emergency Nursing Dissertation Topics List You Can Have!

Emergency nursing is a very important branch that deserves a great deal of attention. The job requires you to spend most of your time in the emergency room, which can be quite stressful at times, but it also gives you the opportunity to help people who are suffering from serious illnesses and injuries. If you’re interested in emergency nursing and want to learn more about this career path, then read on!

We’ll discuss some topics such as the history of emergency medicine and how to treat a stroke so that when we finish this article it will be crystal clear what kind of career path an ER nurse should take if they want to make a difference in their community or country.

Nonetheless, nursing students can avail services like nursing assignment help for their convenience and ease.

History of Emergency Medicine

  • The History of Emergency Medicine
  • History of Emergency Nursing
  • The History of Emergency Medicine in the United States
  • History of Emergency Medicine in the United Kingdom
  • The History of Emergency Medicine in Australia
  • History of Emergency Medicine in Canada
  • The History of Emergency Medicine in India

How to treat a stroke

A stroke is a sudden and complete loss of brain function. It’s not something that happens overnight. It generally takes several hours for symptoms to appear. The most common symptoms include:

  • Weakness or numbness on one side of the body (especially in your arm, leg, face and/or arm)
  • Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
  • Changes in vision such as double vision or blindness. If you have any of these symptoms, it’s important not to wait until they get worse! Call 911 immediately if you find yourself experiencing any type of stroke-related issue at all!

How to treat a broken bone

Broken bones can be painful, but they don’t have to be serious. You need to know how to care for a broken bone in order to help your patients heal properly and avoid complications.

When treating a child’s broken bone:

  • If the fracture is through the skin, don’t try to set it without bringing an expert into the room first. A pediatrician or other doctor should examine the wound. And decide whether it needs surgery or not (which is more likely if there are open wounds around it). In most cases where breaking points happen during play, children will be able to go home after only one night of rest at home so long as their parents take them directly back after being treated at an emergency department (ED).

Significance of emergency medicine

Emergency medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with the immediate care of patients with acute medical problems. It has become an integral part of healthcare, especially in developed countries like the United States and Canada.

In this context, I will discuss the significance of emergency nursing and how it differs from other areas of nursing practice.

The role of an emergency nurse

Emergency nurses are the first line of defense for patients in the ER. They are responsible for assessing patients and providing treatment as appropriate, including performing a physical examination, taking vital signs such as blood pressure and temperature; drawing blood samples; giving medications; managing pain management; ordering tests or imaging studies; providing emotional support to families when needed; communicating with other health care professionals (e.g., physicians) about patient status and needs through written notes or verbal reports.

Emergency nurses have extensive training on how to deal with a wide range of medical conditions which may arise during their shifts at work

The importance of sterilization in the emergency room

The importance of sterilization in the emergency room

In any hospital setting, it is important to maintain cleanliness. However, with the influx of patients and strain on resources in an emergency room, this becomes even more crucial. With so many patients coming through the door at once, there will be times when you have no choice but to let some things slide. Especially if you’re trying your best not only as a nurse but also as someone who knows what needs attention first-hand. It’s important that everyone involved understands how important it is not only for their own safety but also for those around them when they don’t take proper care during these stressful situations (and I mean stress).

Importance of training for an emergency nurse

There are many benefits of learning how to work as an emergency nurse. In this field, you will be able to help people in need of medical care and provide them with the best possible treatment. You must have proper training and skills to do this job well. You will also get an opportunity to learn new things every day so that you can stay ahead in your profession as well as improve yourself further when needed!

There are different types of training programs available for those who want to become emergency nurses:

  • Basic Emergency Nursing Certificate Program (BEN) – This course covers all basic concepts related to patient management during acute illness episodes such as cardiac arrest or shock; respiratory failure due to asthma attacks etc., while also providing an understanding of how drugs work within our bodies by using simple examples like aspirin tablets or glucose tablets given orally via injection routes into veins instead throat injections because it causes less damage compared with other methods.”

What are the riskiest aspects of this career?

The riskiest aspect of this career is the potential for injury to patients, and especially to their families. Nurses are at constant risk of injury from falls, slips, trips, and falls. They may also be exposed to needles or other sharp objects when tending to wounds or during procedures such as inserting an IV line for more information). In addition to these risks associated with working in a healthcare setting, nurses can be injured while driving home after completing shift work (e.g., in car crashes).

Infection is another significant concern because it affects more than just the patient who suffers from it; it has been shown that patients who contract infections while they are hospitalized will require additional treatment later on once they’ve left hospitalization due to complications caused by their illness(s). Furthermore, there’s no telling what kind of bacteria might lurk inside someone’s gut or bloodstream without proper testing being done first! Even if we don’t get sick ourselves during our careers as nurses. or even worse yet—if someone else does get sick before us…well then all bets are off!

The importance of bedside manners for an emergency nurse

Bedside manners are important for an emergency nurse because they help the patient feel comfortable. A patient may be scared or confused, and being kind and respectful can ease their anxiety. This is especially true if you’re dealing with someone who has been injured or sick enough that he or she needs to stay in your care for a period of time.

Bedside manners also benefit doctors and nurses by making sure that everyone involved feels welcome and valued at work (and doesn’t experience any form of discrimination). For example: When I worked as an ER nurse in a busy trauma center, there were times when I had to ask staff members who were working behind screens if there was anything else they needed before being dismissed so they could get back up front where it was safer for them while doing their job! It wasn’t always easy keeping track but knowing who else needed attention made things easier overall–and we all knew who belonged where based on our roles within nursing department.”

Does the role of an ER nurse change in rural areas compare to urban areas?

There are many differences between rural and urban ERs. Rural emergency rooms have a high number of patients compared to their urban counterparts. And they often lack the resources needed to treat them efficiently. In addition, there may be fewer physicians available at these facilities. However, despite these challenges, it is possible for rural emergency room nurses to succeed in their roles. How? By making sure they utilize all available resources and equipment as best as possible.

Rural hospitals also have fewer staff members than those located in major cities like New York City or Chicago. Because most doctors prefer not to have more than one practice within one building so that patients can receive care from multiple doctors at once without having any delays when getting appointments scheduled later on down the line (which would cause more harm than help). This means that if you’re looking for work opportunities where patient satisfaction isn’t as important as money then maybe consider moving somewhere else instead where things aren’t quite so cutthroat yet still offer plenty of opportunities though fewer paychecks but higher chances at finding something worthwhile again someday soon!

Ethics, laws, and policies related to emergency nursing care

As a nurse, you have the right to know the law. And the right of knowing someone who has been injured or harmed. You also have the responsibility to act according to this knowledge and fulfil your duties as an emergency nurse.

It is important for nurses to understand their rights under the First Amendment of the Constitution. As well as other laws related to healthcare workers’ rights such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) which protects patient privacy against unauthorized disclosure by medical records custodians such as hospitals or other healthcare providers

Emergency nursing is a very important branch that deserves a great deal of attention.

Emergency nursing is a very important branch that deserves a great deal of attention. It’s important for you to know about this field. So you can become an expert in it and make yourself valuable in any emergency situation. In order to do this, there are many different types of topics that you can discuss when nursing students writing a dissertation based on emergency nursing.

Emergency nurses know how to deal with a wide range of medical conditions. And situations that could arise at any time during their career as an ER nurse or an EMT driver. Some examples include:

  • Stroke victims
  • Trauma victims (injury)
  • Burns patients


At the end of this article, we’re excited that we have listed some topics that you can use for your dissertation. These are just a few examples; there are many more! You can find others in books and online resources. Be sure to do some research on your own before choosing topics for your paper. As earlier, though, there’s no need to get into too much detail. The most important thing is to make sure that you cover everything relevant to each topic. Try not to forget anything important, because it could make or break your grade!